Our fabulous director
Alex explaining part of the music to the group
Our fabulous director
Alex explaining part of the music to the group
Look at those huge grins! Do you think they're excited at all?:)
Mary might only barely be big enough for this ride, but that smile never left her face!
I wasn't able to go to Lagoon a whole lot as a kid, but I'm sure glad Jason and I decided to make this a family tradition every year. I can hardly wait for next summer! (I wonder what rides they'll be big enough to go on then...:)
The family crossing the finish line. I've never seen so many tired people in my life!
Jason looking proud. (I think he was too tired to smile.:) Way to go, honey!
Jason has instilled his love of running in our children as well. They've run in quite a few children's races, including this one up in Cedar Hills. Isaiah and Savannah both ran a mile with their dad in about 15 minutes! Not bad for a 5 and 6 year old, huh?:)
On your mark, get set, go!
I think my girls' favorite part was getting to wear their baseball hats, since they don't very often. (Notice how both hats are my girls' favorite colors.:)
Isaiah kept insisting that his cup had to be in the picture, although I'm not entirely sure why.
Here's the second game with cute Aunt Toni. (My kids just adore her!)
The second game was capped off by an unbelievable fireworks show. It started off with a huge amount of fireworks, and I thought, this is going to be a short show if they're starting off with this many. But it went on for at least 20 minutes! How cool is that? The best part was that the advertising company Aunt Toni works for was the sponsor, so we cheered extra loud.:) Yay Saxton Horne!
Happy birthday, little buddy! We love you!:)
Savannah's dance class did an adorable tap-dancing rendition of Rockin' Robin. She looked great in all her feathers, and did a wonderful job. She did a cute little hip wiggle whenever there was a whistle in the song, and was totally on beat with the music. I'm so proud!:)
Here's Isaiah looking adorable at his preschool graduation. See the squinting? These poor kids were facing right into the sun! At least I could see to take pictures, though. (I think that was the idea.) Isn't this just the cutest kid ever?
I have to mention as well that my kids both had FANTASTIC teachers. Miss Lindberg was so sweet, and she really understood Savannah's tendency to be sensitive to others. She told me constantly how thoughtful my daughter is. And Teacher Nisha is the only person I've ever met who can not only keep up with Isaiah, she was one step ahead of him. (That takes A LOT of energy, believe me.) We love you both and will miss you!